Electronic Spring Cleaning & Recyling Featured
- Written by Top Speed
- Published in Gear
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Spring cleaning is upon us, perhaps a little earlier than expected this year.
While you're cleaning out the garage, storage, or old office space if you find something that looks like this:
or this (these dust bunnies are so big they should have names):
or this:
or even this:
Then there's no better time than Spring Cleaning to pull them out and bring them to us for getting the pictures and files moved to more manageable media and those old computers recycled! Here's the full list of items we can take for recycling:
- computers
- laptops
- servers
- LCD monitors
- computer parts
- networking devices
- printers
- scanners
- copiers
- faxes
- all-in-ones
- PDAs (so many of these hiding in the back of desk drawers)
- Cell phones
- tablets
Last modified onFriday, 20 February 2015 15:38